Tambov, Sovetskaya 67b
(bus stop 'Chicherin House Museum')
Tambov, Pionerskaya 14/3
(bus stop 'Dinamo')
+7 (906) 597-55-55

+7 (4752) 43-55-55
+7 (4752) 43-33-33

Russian State Exams Preparation

English course for beginners
‘From Zero to Hero’
Learn more
Individual approach to each student
Practical advice on how to pass an exam
Only approved training materials
Comprehensive program of skills development
Course duration зависит от стартового уровня обучающегося
Frequency of classes 2 classes 60 or 90 minutes each
Course aim
to introduce students to exam requirements, advise on the way to deal with all the tasks successfully, while improving reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.
Course results
1) awareness of the exam structure and the ways to do the tasks efficiently
2) reading, listening, writing and speaking skills required to pass the exam
3) grammar and lexical accuracy

Courses with other levels of knowledge

German course for children
German course for children
Frequency of classes - 2 classes 60 minutes each a week
English for preschoolers
English for preschoolers
Frequency of classes - 1-2 classes 45 minutes each
Still have questions?
Leave your phone number and
we will call you back shortly

Школа иностарнных языков "ABC"
Советская 67 б Тамбов
+7 (906) 597-55-55 +7 (4752) 43-55-55 +7 (4752) 43-33-33 abc_school@bk.ru